. ' Released: 2001 Professional ratings Review scores Resource Rating The Greatest Hits will be a of recordings by released by in the United Kingdom in past due 2001. While the Holland, Belgium and Denmark celebrated Boney Michael's 25 yr anniversary with extensive double albums, BMG British opted for a one disk launch, The Greatest Strikes, which is an up to date version of 1992'h filled with a brand-new remix of 1976 break-through individual 'Daddy Cool', also a Best 30 strike in the UK in 2001. While many of the trails of this hits package are usually the authentic album versions it includes three overdubbed or remixed versions courting from, and. ln 2002 the collection was issued in the United State governments by, today a sub-Iabel of, ánd it provides also been launched under the name Quarterly report's Greatest Strikes.
Contents. Monitor listing. 'Dad Great' (Farian, Reyam) - 3:30. Initial album edition.
' (Farian, Reyam) - 4:22. Primary album version. ' (Farian) - 4:03.
First album version. ' (Farian, Jay, Reyam) - 4:36. First album edition.
' (Farian, Jay, Reyam) - 4:30. N.B. Album edition with cool start and fade-óut. Full-length 5:51. Original 7' mix ( - 4:43) continues to be unreleased on CD. ' - 4:02.
Primary album version. 'Belfast' (Billsbury, Deutscher, Menke) - 3:31. First album edition.
' (Farian, Jay) - 3:58. 1992 overdub version from. Primary 7' blend remains unreleased on Compact disc. 'Painter Man' (Phillips, Pickett) - 3:12. Primary album version. 'Gotta Move Home' (Farian, Jay, Klinkhammer) - 3:47. recording edit.
Authentic 7' mix (- 4:40) continues to be unreleased on CD. '/ Oh My Master' (, Farian, Jay, Lórin) - 5:09.
1992 overdub edit from. ' (, ) - 4:19. 1992 overdub edit from. 'El Lute' (Farian, Jáy, Klinkhammer, Kolonovits) - 4:00. 1989 remix from, edited. 'Nightflight to Vénus' (Farian, Jay, KawohI) - 3:51.
1992 modified version from. 'I'michael Born Again' (Jay, Rulofs) - 4:10. Primary album version. ' - 4:30. Edited album version from. Complete duration: - 4:56. 'Dad Cool 2001' (Farian, Reyam) - 5:19.
Gems Stone Golf club Combine. 'Boney Michael. Megamix' (Farian, Réyam, Hebb, Jay) - 3:51. 1992 edition, radio stations edit.
(' / ' / 'Daddy Great' / ' / ') Staff.,. lead words, backing words. lead words, backing words Manufacturing.,. remixers monitor 17 Discharge history. 2001 British: BMG 42. 2001 Quotes: Quotes's Greatest Strikes, BMG World 89614.
Boney M Discography Download
2002 US: RCA 65108 Sources and external links.